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Amazing place to stay in Beijing 10/10 星级

The location is excellent, just a few steps from the subway station, hotel facilities are beautiful and very comfortable, with big rooms that are always clean, and breakfast is delicious and there are a lot of options. But what really makes the difference in this hotel is the staff.

Leticia B
Leticia B
| 2018/8/29
北京千禧大酒店位于中国首都的中央商务区国贸中心,紧邻崭新的央视总部大楼和世贸天阶购物中心。从这里出发,您可轻松前往首都的主要景点,亦可在此探索文化和艺术。酒店是豪华与实用的融合,为您打造美好入住体验。酒店拥有 521 间客房,以“超大浴室”的理念、通透的空间设计和宽敞大气的落地窗为您带来舒适感受。更有覆盖酒店的无线网络和高科技会议设施可供使用。酒店配有奢华水疗中心、健身房和游泳池,让您放松并时刻保持活力。此外,酒店的餐厅与酒吧,为客人提供各式美食。入住北京千禧大酒店,享愉悦体验。